Readings and interviews Use the links below to jump to a specific section. ReadingsInterviews Readings One word from sophia A young girl must convince the grown-ups in her life that she should get a live giraffe for her birthday. two problems for sophia Sophia, from ONE WORD FROM SOPHIA, has her one-of-a-kind pet. But it comes with one-of-a-kind problems. OH no, little dragon Little Dragon swallows water and puts out his fire. In a blue room A bedtime story about a girl obsessed with the color blue. Trevor A lonely canary befriends a lemon. Interviews Interview with Linda Sue Park Intro and the subliminal qualities of titles On sticking to the facts On Involving Younger Readers in A LONG WALK TO WATER On the usefulness of writing badly On booking school visits for A LONG WALK TO WATER On writing a fictional character who illuminates the truth