Jim offers different mentoring services for different stages of creation.

for general lessons
If you don’t have a completed manuscript, or are looking for more general lessons, I have a video series that has everything you need to know about creating a picture book at Page360.
More detailed information about mentoring services.
What I do is help make your manuscript the best it can be in the time we have, with a goal of moving it closer to submission readiness. I don’t do copy-editing, although some may happen incidentally.
I will personally evaluate the manuscript for free and if I believe I can help you, we can set up details. It could be anything from one phone meeting to an ongoing meeting over a longer period of time. I do the evaluation to make sure that you are taking the best economical approach for you.
Because each project is so different, the best way to start is to click the “contact” tab above, then click “click here to contact me” to send me a brief description of your needs. Be sure to choose mentoring/editorial check box. I will reply asking for more information, the specifics of which are under “What do I need to send you?”
After you contact me initially, I will email you requesting more information about your project and your intentions in writing it. Reply and tell me more.
a) For picture books also attach the manuscript. Double-spaced, 12 point, with 1” margins. You may send up to 3 picture book manuscripts.
b) For novels send a one page synopsis (can be single spaced) and 10 consecutive, representative pages that are double-spaced, 12 point, 1” margins. The first pages are best, if possible. One novel at a time, please.
It can be at any stage, however, if you are a beginning writer, it may be more cost effective for you to start with my course at
If we proceed with mentoring/editorial services, I charge $200/hour. It includes all reading, preparation of written feedback and phone/Zoom conversations.
I will work within your budget constraints. For example, if you tell me you can only afford $400 at this time, I will limit my time spent to 2 hours to accommodate
No. My mentoring/editorial business and my agenting business are separate. In fact, The American Association of Literary Agents has a Canon of Ethics which requires this, which I follow. To read more about how mentoring/editorial services relate to agenting services, please click the link and read paragraph 8 of the AALA Canon of Ethics.
Testimonials from actual mentees.